Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Value of a Sound Medication & Vaccination Program

* Much of the economic loss in the livestock Industry in this country is caused by Diseases

* The most effective method of controlling these diseases in through preventive Vaccination

Precautions that must be observed in administering vaccination the animal.

1. To diagnose the illness of an animal, the services of the veterinarian is needed.

2. Buy vaccine and serum from the Bureau of Animal Industry or from reliable Vetirinary Clinics & dealers w/ the proper facilities for refrigeration & storage.

3. Animals less than six weeks old, those who are week & unhealthy & those recently exposed to infection should not be Vaccinated.

4. Avoid spilling the vaccines premises.

5. Do not Use left over vaccines, this empty vials vaccines is to be injected.

6. Disinfect the part of the animal where the vaccines is to be injected.

7. Never use the same syringe for another serum and vaccine. Vaccination should be done at least twice a year to prevent chemical love.

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